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Do Solar Panels Generate Electricity on Cloudy Days

18 Sep 2024


Yes, solar panels can work on cloudy days, but they don't always achieve optimal performance. Their efficiency depends on cloud cover. Anything that blocks sunlight from solar panels reduces the amount of electricity they produce. However, solar panels can still receive sunlight on cloudy days.

How do solar panels work

The solar panel is mainly composed of tempered glass, EVA, battery pieces, backplane and aluminum alloy frame. Among them, the battery is the core part, responsible for converting light energy into electricity. Toughened glass is used to protect the battery and improve the light transmittance, EVA is used to bond the toughened glass and the battery, and the backplane acts as a seal, insulation and waterproof. When the sun shines on the solar panel, the solar energy generated by the sun will be absorbed by the photovoltaic cells of the solar panel. The charge generated by this energy then circulates inside the battery, creating an electric current. In other words, the more panels used, the more energy is generated.

What will cloudy days do to solar panels

It's common to assume that solar panels won't work in cloudy conditions. But in fact, solar panels can generate electricity on cloudy days, but not always on cloudy days. Because as long as there is a little sunlight, the solar panel will generate electricity, the specific amount of electricity depends on the amount of sunlight. Therefore, solar panels are most efficient in direct sunlight, and the power generation will be reduced in cloudy conditions. In addition, the temperature of the cloudy day is also relatively low, the temperature of the photovoltaic panel will be reduced accordingly, and the temperature is too low will also affect the efficiency of the solar panel.

In general, under cloudy conditions, the power generation capacity of solar panels is much lower than that of sunny days, but rainy days have a positive effect on the cleaning of solar panels, because rain can wash away the dirt on the panel, thus helping the solar panels absorb sunlight more effectively.